dcGO - A comprehensive domain-centric ontology resource for post-genomic research on functions, phenotypes, diseases and more   

BO Hierarchy

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Search the Biomedical Ontology Hierarchy:
    Using an ID or a term (should also specify its ontology/subontology):
    • Disease Ontology (DO): "DOID:0050687" or "DO:0050687", or "DO:cell type cancer"
    • Human Phenotype (HP): "HP:0001909" or "PA:Leukemia"; "HP:0000006" or "MI:Autosomal dominant inheritance"; "HP:0003827" or "ON:Death in neonatal period or infancy"
    • Mouse Phenotype (MP): "MP:0008762" or "MP:embryonic lethality"
    • Worm Phenotype (WP): "WP:0001100" or "WP:early embryonic lethal"
    • Yeast Phenotype (YP): "YP:0000143" or "YP:chromosome/plasmid maintenance"
    • Fly Phenotype (FP): "FP:0000432" or "FP:mitotic cell cycle defective"
    • Fly Anatomy (FA): "FA:00004208" or "FA:developing embryonic structure"
    • Zebrafish Anatomy (ZA): "ZA:0000396" or "ZA:nervous system"
    • Xenopus Anatomy (XA): "XA:0000113" or "XAN:embryo"; "XA:1000012" or "XDE:embryonic stage"
    • Arabidopsis Plant (AP): "AP:0025099" or "PAN:embryo plant structure"; "AP:0007520" or "PDE:root development stages"
    • Enzyme Commission (EC): "EC:" or "EC:Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase"
    • DrugBank ATC_code (DB): "DB:L02" or "DB:endocrine therapy"
    • UniProtKB KeyWords (KW): "KW:0558" or "KW:Oxidation"; "KW:0014" or "KW:AIDS"
    • UniProtKB UniPathway (UP): "UP:UPA00705" or "UP:oxidative phosphorylation"
    • CTD Diseases (CD): "CD:MESH:D015470" or "CD:Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute"
    • CTD Chemicals (CC): "CC:MESH:D001241" or "CC:Aspirin"

    (show note)


DO Hierarchy (disease ontology from University of Maryland)

DO term [DO ID] <#Children>
Disease Ontology (DO):  Disease_Ontology [DOID:4] <8>


HP Hierarchy (human phenotype with 3 sub-ontologies PA, MI, ON)

HP term [HP ID] <#Children>
Phenotypic Abnormality (PA):  Phenotypic_abnormality [HP:0000118] <25>
Mode of Inheritance (MI):  Mode_of_inheritance [HP:0000005] <12>
ONset and clinical course (ON):  Onset_and_clinical_course [HP:0000004]


MP Hierarchy (mammalian/mouse phenotype from MGI_4.41)

MP term [MP ID] <#Children>
Mammalian Phenotype (MP):  Mammalian_phenotype [MP:0000001] <29>


WP Hierarchy (worm phenotype from Wormbase Release WS226)

WP term [WP ID] <#Children>
Worm Phenotype (WP):  Variant [WBPhenotype:0000886] <2>


YP Hierarchy (yeast phenotype from Ascomycete phenotype ontology)

YP term [YP ID] <#Children>
Yeast Phenotype (YP):  observable [APO:0000017] <7>


FP Hierarchy (fly phenotype from FlyBase controlled vocabulary with sub-ontology "phenotypic class")

FP term [FP ID] <#Children>
Fly Phenotype (FP):  phenotypic class [FBcv:0000347] <4>


FA Hierarchy (fly anatomy from FlyBase anatomy ontology)

FA term [FA ID] <#Children>
Fly Anatomy (FA):  anatomical entity [FBbt:99999999] <4>


ZA Hierarchy (zebrafish anatomy from ZFIN zebrafish anatomy ontology)

ZA term [ZA ID] <#Children>
Zebrafish Anatomy (ZA):  zebrafish anatomical entity [ZFA:0100000] <6>


XA Hierarchy (Xenopus anatomy and development from Xenbase frog anatomy ontology)

XA term [XA ID] <#Children>
Xenopus ANatomical entity (XAN):  Xenopus_anatomical_entity [XAO:0000000] <9>
Xenopus DEvelopment stage (XDE):  Xenopus_developmental_stage [XAO:1000000] <6>


AP Hierarchy (arabidopsis plant ontology with 2 sub-ontologies AN, DE)

AP term [AP ID] <#Children>
Plant structure DEvelopment stage (PDE):  Plant_structure_development_stage [PO:0009012] <7>
Plant ANatomical entity (PAN):  Plant_anatomical_entity [PO:0025131] <3>


EC Hierarchy (from IntEnz release 70)

EC term [EC ID] <#Children>
Enzyme Commission (EC):  Enzyme_Commission [root] <7>


KW Hierarchy (Keywords from UniProtKB)

KW term [KW ID] <#Children>
Biological process:  Biological_process [KW:9999] <258>
Disease:  Disease [KW:9995] <127>
Molecular function:  Molecular_function [KW:9992] <96>
Cellular component:  Cellular_component [KW:9998] <81>
Ligand:  Ligand [KW:9993] <50>
Post-translational modification:  PTM [KW:9991] <39>
Domain:  Domain [KW:9994] <32>
Coding sequence diversity:  Coding_sequence_diversity [KW:9997] <14>
Developmental stage:  Developmental_stage [KW:9996] <9>


CD Hierarchy (CTD diseases from Comparative Toxicogenomics Database)

CD term [CD ID] <#Children>
CTD Diseases (CD):  CTD_diseases [MESH:C] <25>


CC Hierarchy (CTD chemicals from Comparative Toxicogenomics Database)

CC term [CC ID] <#Children>
CTD Chemicals (CC):  CTD_chemicals [MESH:D] <13>

A full list of Biomedical Ontologies

1. DO Hierarchy (disease ontology from University of Maryland)

DO term [DO ID] <#Children>
Disease Ontology (DO):  Disease_Ontology [DOID:4] <8>

2. HP Hierarchy (human phenotype with 3 sub-ontologies PA, MI, ON)

HP term [HP ID] <#Children>
Phenotypic Abnormality (PA):  Phenotypic_abnormality [HP:0000118] <25>
Mode of Inheritance (MI):  Mode_of_inheritance [HP:0000005] <12>
ONset and clinical course (ON):  Onset_and_clinical_course [HP:0000004]

3. MP Hierarchy (mammalian/mouse phenotype from MGI_4.41)

MP term [MP ID] <#Children>
Mammalian Phenotype (MP):  Mammalian_phenotype [MP:0000001] <29>

4. WP Hierarchy (worm phenotype from Wormbase Release WS226)

WP term [WP ID] <#Children>
Worm Phenotype (WP):  Variant [WBPhenotype:0000886] <2>

5. YP Hierarchy (yeast phenotype from Ascomycete phenotype ontology)

YP term [YP ID] <#Children>
Yeast Phenotype (YP):  observable [APO:0000017] <7>

6. FP Hierarchy (fly phenotype from FlyBase controlled vocabulary with sub-ontology "phenotypic class")

FP term [FP ID] <#Children>
Fly Phenotype (FP):  phenotypic class [FBcv:0000347] <4>

7. FA Hierarchy (fly anatomy from FlyBase anatomy ontology)

FA term [FA ID] <#Children>
Fly Anatomy (FA):  anatomical entity [FBbt:99999999] <4>

8. ZA Hierarchy (zebrafish anatomy from ZFIN zebrafish anatomy ontology)

ZA term [ZA ID] <#Children>
Zebrafish Anatomy (ZA):  zebrafish anatomical entity [ZFA:0100000] <6>

9. XA Hierarchy (Xenopus anatomy and development from Xenbase frog anatomy ontology)

XA term [XA ID] <#Children>
Xenopus ANatomical entity (XAN):  Xenopus_anatomical_entity [XAO:0000000] <9>
Xenopus DEvelopment stage (XDE):  Xenopus_developmental_stage [XAO:1000000] <6>

10. AP Hierarchy (arabidopsis plant ontology with 2 sub-ontologies AN, DE)

AP term [AP ID] <#Children>
Plant structure DEvelopment stage (PDE):  Plant_structure_development_stage [PO:0009012] <7>
Plant ANatomical entity (PAN):  Plant_anatomical_entity [PO:0025131] <3>

11. EC Hierarchy (from IntEnz release 70)

EC term [EC ID] <#Children>
Enzyme Commission (EC):  Enzyme_Commission [root] <7>

13. KW Hierarchy (Keywords from UniProtKB)

KW term [KW ID] <#Children>
Biological process:  Biological_process [KW:9999] <258>
Disease:  Disease [KW:9995] <127>
Molecular function:  Molecular_function [KW:9992] <96>
Cellular component:  Cellular_component [KW:9998] <81>
Ligand:  Ligand [KW:9993] <50>
Post-translational modification:  PTM [KW:9991] <39>
Domain:  Domain [KW:9994] <32>
Coding sequence diversity:  Coding_sequence_diversity [KW:9997] <14>
Developmental stage:  Developmental_stage [KW:9996] <9>

15. CD Hierarchy (CTD diseases from Comparative Toxicogenomics Database)

CD term [CD ID] <#Children>
CTD Diseases (CD):  CTD_diseases [MESH:C] <25>

16. CC Hierarchy (CTD chemicals from Comparative Toxicogenomics Database)

CC term [CC ID] <#Children>
CTD Chemicals (CC):  CTD_chemicals [MESH:D] <13>